:fire: 0 to 16K traffic in just 3 weeks :fire: If...
# ask-a-growth-question
🔥 0 to 16K traffic in just 3 weeks 🔥 If you people say SEO takes time to show results then show them this result. We started working on this project on the 25th of August. What we did to achieve this result? ☑️ On-Page SEO ☑️ Fix Technical SEO ☑️ Keyword Research & Content Writing ☑️ Internal Linking Things also we will do for this Client in the coming days: ☑️ Off-page activity If you need any help with your website SEO feel free to contact our team. We're available at hello@digibrood.com.au
Sent you an email.
No backlinks ?
Yes, yet not done any backlinks. We do off-page for any clients after 1-2 months.
So you are saying that 0 to 16k traffic without backlinks
Yes, you're right.
Interesting, can I know the website name of the screengrab?
Hi kindly send me a dm would like to know more about this
I believe this is a deviation from average results, so it can hardly be used as an illustrative example of the general rule. SEO still has its own (slow and routine) mechanics of raising a site to the top and beating the competitors in SERP. And this mechanic is set up which is set by the search algorithm. If you provide at least three repetitive examples of such quick success, I will no doubt accept that this is not a spontaneous deviation from average but a consequence an excellent knowledge.
@Alexey Borealis agree with your statement. Our team star working on this new domain trustbrood.com this domain is completely new. You can check performance after 3 weeks for this domain.
@Alexey Borealis just wanted to show you this. It's just the 5 days we started working and this website is getting near 200 visitors. As this is not a blogging website we're not updating any articles but we're keep fixing up there money pages and other seo things. We have good hope about this website also by end of first month we will get good no of traffic.