Hey all! I had a question to everyone who have an ...
# ask-a-growth-question
Hey all! I had a question to everyone who have an app. What % of users that install your app dont open it? As well as what % is normal of users who open the app to use it for <5 sec and neveropen again?
for install and never open: too much depends on the product. hard to make generic banchmarks. but for 5-sec usage - check if there everything with app performance for them. maybe app crashing so of course user wouldn’t give you 2nd chance that easy
Thanks! We are certainly narrowing the issues down. The goal of my question was rather if there is always a drop off in users in every app and what is generally acceptable.
it very depends on the niche, but defiantly don’t expect that all installs will start to use app actually. i can guess that this number higher for entertainment apps and lower for services and viral social platforms. i would accept even 5-10-20% drop off, but i have too small data to consider it as statistic of average rate😅
I see, thanks for the info :))
Context: We ran Ads to acquire a lot of our installs. 2 things that we did primarily to address the issues mentioned: 1. Did some warm up of the audience so that they knew what they were installing the application for. This led to addressing the first part of the problem which is getting people to open the app. 2. Setup events inside the application using the Facebook / Google SDK's. This allows for you to start optimising for traffic that shall do a step like making payment or consume content or post a picture, than people who may just download the application. Hope this helps!! Feel free to drop in a message for any clarification 🙂