Do you guys see value at TikTok ads for App instal...
# ask-a-growth-question
Do you guys see value at TikTok ads for App installs over other platforms (Excluding FB,G I doubt it can beat them at price) ?
Depending on the app, but I believe TikTok has untapped potential when it comes to App installs and downloads.
I think the same, in Greece they are blasting food delivery ads on TikTok, every time ive been its only that. But sadly havent had the luck to try them myself first hard but would love to.Thanks for the material, I will check it
One thing I also have hear that has been successful on TikTok is influencer marketing. Finding micro influencers to promote your product for a cheap price can also be something of an opportunity.
O yeah, that is one of the first few things ive thought of through the idea of affiliates and micro influencers. Sadly the product isnt ready for that yet