13 top reasons why you are not getting any (or ver...
# ask-a-growth-question
13 top reasons why you are not getting any (or very few) signups from your content (if you are blogging, of course) 1) Just writing on whatever you like. You should always write around a keyword. The biggest mistake most founders make is to write on whatever they feel they are an expert on. It never works like that. 2) You are writing informational (educational) articles. In these articles, you are educating the audience and hoping they will sign up. The cycle for these types of blogs will be long and nurturing. 3) You are writing for the wrong audience. Let's say, you are selling a data science product. Instead of focusing on data science students, write articles that the VP of Engineering/Data Science/IT would read. Don’t write about how the decision tree algorithm works; instead, talk about how one can make easy business decisions, in if else manner, using simple decision trees, and then weave your product into it. So after showing the value of a decision tree and tying it to the business value, show how your product can generate a quick decision tree by just uploading data. 4) Writing on tough keywords, which are hard to rank for. 5) No Content hygiene followed. Some good writing hygiene includes talking in “you” and “I” language; good intro; using subheadings to create hierarchy; breaking up things with images; paragraphs in less than 4 lines; plagiarized free content 6) Not researching what people want to know and not understanding the user's intent. Always put yourself in the searcher's shoes 7) No SEO hygiene followed. Some of the good hygiene include short URLs, compelling title tags, good meta description, 2-3 high authority outbound links, adding schema markup, internal links, etc. 8 ) Website is too slow to load. According to Google’s recommendations, If a site is not loading quickly, chances are that Google's search robot will not index it. Slow work does not allow the robot to do its job and this means that users are likely to leave the page 9) It is not cellphone optimized. Half of your readers are searching on cellphones 10) There is no menu or content table. Uncomfortable navigation is a nightmare for any visitor. When articles on different topics are collected in one big pile, one simply can’t find what they need. So, take care of your customers and create a menu with great article categories and sections. 11) Useful functions aren’t available, which is being able to share content on social media, leave comments, and subscribe to newsletters. 12) No meta description. Meta descriptions are quite effective in SEO. It’s a kind of advertisement for your content: the more interesting your description is, the more clicks you will get. 13) No clear CTA on blog page or too many CTAs. Bombard the user with CTAs every 5 seconds and the user would leave. Also, another mistake I have seen is forcing users to fill his/her details to read your content.
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