Hey, <My app went viral> on TikTok the other day ...
# ask-a-growth-question
Hey, My app went viral on TikTok the other day and the creator has agreed to license the video. I want to run Reels ads on Instagram but without integrating the app as I don’t want to integrate with FaceBook SDK. I have an IG account (with zero followers) with links to our App Store but what type of campaign (Awareness, traffic, engagements etc) should I run if my objective is only to generate traffic to the account?
For traffic you can choose traffic campaign.
Hey @maad, what kind of Traffic do you want to generate on your IG account? Do you want people to just come and see your post, do you want them to click on something or do you want them to engage (Comment or like)?
The main goal is to drive traffic to the account page and get them to click on the links which will take them to the website or App Store/Play Store.
That is expensive
Can you share how your ad looks @maad ?
I don’t think you have a very strong ad. It’s visually boring, feels too long, and you aren’t conveying feelings. In sceeenwriting we say “show, don’t tell” quite often. You need to show the feelings a customer will get from the service. I’d also have graphical text for key ideas, not just rely on the transcription. Pain Point -> Solution -> Relief People are always asking “what do I get out of this?” You have to tell them clearly and quickly. “It’s easy to forget how much goes on in a year…” “Social media gets deleted…” “Preserve important memories…” Generally, I would say you need to engage in a more aggressive form of showmanship.
Thanks for the feedback - yeah, I’m aware it’s too long - it was just a demo video I used to test with. I wanted to see what the CPC would be before committing more time and effort to it. So far it’s not very impressive but perhaps it’s because of the video and not the platform itself?
Yeah, it’s the video. Show the right people something they want at a fair price and you’ll have business.
👍 1
Hey @maad Hope this is way too late reply to this thread, you can run campaign directly to app install category, No need to invest your bucks in traffic, I did a recent campaign for app install, I run reels ads too and they used to get around 50/60 downloads with app installs campaign