Imagine you have a SaaS startup, and you are compe...
# ask-a-growth-question
Imagine you have a SaaS startup, and you are competing against the likes of ClickUp, Asana, and Monday. Now you want to go after a particular niche, but how do you compete with billion-dollar companies in the project management niche for search traffic? On top of it, you have a $10k MRR, don't have a budget of more than $4k a month, and are totally bootstrapped. How do you get success? A case study on one of our brands (scaled to 12k monthly traffic in 4 months) continued in threads.
This is the exact problem team of ClientVenue had back in July 2021. All the founders either had technical or sales background. For this particular brand, I wasn’t focused on traffic. The metric was to drive signups and, thus, revenue. Since the team was short on funding, I set out to work only for 4 months. I had to deliver all the results in just 4 months (something which no Agency would work for), but since one of the co-founders is a good friend, I was happy to consult. The fact that he helps me from time to time also made me agree to just a 4-month proposal. Result: 1) Within 4 months, we touched 12k monthly traffic. 2) 40-50 paid signups a month. 3) $3k new MRR every month. 4) Double-digit conversions from blogs. Another thing to consider here is since March 2022, we have stopped getting backlinks and writing content. Since then, traffic has remained stable. It goes on to prove that even when you stop investing in SEO, you still drive signups, unlike the paid ads or outbound, where signups/demos deplete the moment you stop feeding money. Also, this is not your typical case study, where just the results are shown. I have tried my best to put down my advice, mindset, how and why on everything.
This was an interesting read…TFS!
There is some really useful info in the attachment. Thanks for sharing @Harsh Gupta