any growth expert here for fine jewelry store and ...
# ask-a-growth-question
any growth expert here for fine jewelry store and ecomm ?
would wanna partner with you. Been seeing way too many ads re: scaling my business on fb and instagram lately, but they all look unproven
I think that you should not just look at Jewelry store, but any ecomm vertical where the org is promoting similar priced items (e.g. apparel, crafts, houseweares, etc). Even a basic ecomm assessment or audit might be helpful.
the thing is... our business is in a unique spot compared to other ecomm since it is not high volume.
sort of like etsy, but higher end
but thanks for the advice
Have you done lots of landing page testing? If you have a decent email list or followers you can try to do some sort of referral play. With higher end, lower volume, niche business, it is all about keeping the few that land, moving through the funnel
we though abt referral.
is it common in jewelry ecomm?
With higher end, lower volume, niche business, it is all about keeping the few that land, moving through the funnel
i agree
honestly, I don’t know about jewelry, but it is common with boutique brands. Boutique brands generally try to build brand loyalty. Rewarding both the referrer and the referee can work really well.
k i will discuss abt referral with my partner
no prob. running a small brand is tough. I know that good luck. Happy to opine whenever
🙌 1
@kolekto as a boutique brand I'd recommend to be very careful with how referrals work. Any traditional methods of growth might damage your brand.