Hello, I'm the marketing manager at <Blokada> and ...
# ask-a-growth-question
Hello, I'm the marketing manager at Blokada and we are looking to launch our new version on Product Hunt. I was wondering if you have any advice or tips to get the highest chances for a successful launch.
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Hi Reda, I have successfully helped other companies launch their startups on ProductHunt Here are 3 things to optimize when launching your product 1. Discounts/Free Trials: ProductHunt users love discounts and free trials to services. If your product is really good, after the free trial, those initial users will stay for the long term 2. Be sure to optimize your post a. Sign up for a personal account; no branded or business accounts b. In the title, avoid using emojis or descriptions. Just use your product's name. Users of Product Hunt will want to quickly identify your product, and you can help them remember it by keeping your title simple. 3. Make sure your website is updated to maximize email capture and have an email campaign built before launch Those are the 3 main tips. Feel free to direct message if you need any help
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Reach out to your users and tell them about the launch beforehand, then send them a reminders days before.
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Hey Reda, I had prepared this master doc couple of months ago. It covers almost all the dos and dont’s required for a successful Product hunt campaigns. This is from a first hand experience so its pretty alright. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19YyZdK_1X12PInO0SlplT4UHWoa-h6L0NXyq--ENLjg/edit?usp=sharing
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Hey Nimish, Thank you so much! this is amazing.
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