Hi All We're finally at the stage where we can aff...
# ask-a-growth-question
Hi All We're finally at the stage where we can afford & want to outsource our social media management, we're specifically looking for a company/person to create and manage posts on linkedin, facebook and twitter. Any recommendations and/or red flags to look for?
Hi Daniel, it is essential to know, are you looking for organic content or paid adverts? Also, do you have a Social Media growth strategy, or do you need someone to help you with that as well?
Hi Andras To begin with it will be organic, however we want to start testing paid ads as well as soon as possible. We would need someone to work with us to create a strategy. We have a good understanding of our personas and where our platform fits within the market.
I just joined this group, so I am not sure what are the rules:). We are a SaaS+ company Social Media Management tool + Social Media Services. We are FB, Insta, LinkedIn, Twitter and TikTok partners I am happy to assist:) Meeting link: https://api.leadconnectorhq.com/widget/appointment/salesone/andras
As someone who lives agency side, I would never, ever outsource organic social. Even the best agencies will not do as good of a job as your internal team would. You will spend more time approving content than it would have taken you to just do it yourself. It will also be far less genuine.
Hi James, Thanks for your input, the issue we have is that we don't have enough runway to hire someone in house thus looking at agency model at this point.
Hiring an agency vs in house, I feel is not going to save you any time or money. An agency is going to cost you at least $10K/mo for medioker qulity & consistency where you can get a spectacular in house person for probably 75K
👍 2
Even an agency is going to take a few months to get ramped up
Great thanks for your input James
Disagree - agency quality varies heavily, that is why you need to do an in-depth audit and have a trial period for that agency before you commit so you can really gauge whether that agency is a good fit. I currently run an agency that is not even close to $10k/mo, and we always have a 1 week free trial with our clients before we have them commit. I would be happy to do a 1-week free social media management trial for your business too. Just sent you a message