I’ve launched my product and my website. I have no...
# ask-a-growth-question
I’ve launched my product and my website. I have no connections in the field and no marketing budget. This sounds dumb but I think I can figure it out. How do I find people to buy my product? Here is an example, I want to contact the zoo in my state, but besides for fighting with a phone tree I have no idea how to get to the decision makers. Any advice?
Linkedin perhaps?
Hello @Enadi Pasholli - Did you thought about EMAIL-MARKETING to reach out to your most targeted prospects. If yes, here is my proposal to add new leads to your prospects lists. I am an experienced prospect list builder and keen to be associated. Here are few samples: 1. SAMPLE-DENTIST-ORTHODONTIST-LOS-ANGELES-USA- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iUC4PMLL9pgKjBl4v3HjtW4DTNIUrg6ZJRcormW2ScY/edit#gid=149475511 2. SAMPLE-LAWYERS-LAW-FIRMS-USA-6-22-2021- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zuqIZBOYgS-QaJiC2o40By0Ep7DLXmCZtqRULGHAjhE/edit#gid=710501313 3. SAMPLE-Real-Estate-DEVELOPERS-USA-4-30-2020- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MBQh35dzya4HyqEtfsERaHLV8RcrnsLgKf2vJ3pLIZ0/edit#gid=0 4. SAMPLE-B2B-EMAIL-PROSPECTS-LISTS- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kuuDyVgR-5byUZZwbfumjoXyK2Lj4xTEzESL2_7KzsM/ 5. SAMPLE-UNIVERSITY-DEAN-USA- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qPj0LW_tI_gsUsik7zgg1r4J5JIk2wL9ZNYb60YSe7A/ 5. SAMPLE-ATTORNEY-LIST-USA- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YgamohU_yHOpugGpJbzB_t0MbuGE_K8niqdmC2qyHOM/ ...and many more. Let's connect and see if we can work together. Raj
Hi Enadi, great question. If I was in your shoes, here are 3 things that I would start doing 1. Use leadgen tools. Tools like Apollo have a free trial you can use to scrape hundreds of contacts. a. If Apollo is out of the picture, just searching up the company and finding the employees on Linkedin is another viable option but takes more time 2. Build your presence on social media a. Start posting content, commenting on other people's posts - social media is free and hundreds of millions of people use it each day 3. Email outreach a. Create hyper-personalized email campaigns and reach out to prospective buyers (Lemlist can potentially help with this)
What product?