What is your linkedin strategy? I am building a a...
# ask-a-growth-question
What is your linkedin strategy? I am building a automation, and currently use the following steps: • visit profiles, if they visit back connect, or after 3 days connect. • If member is open to pro-bono consulting: ask them a question about my startup. • If member is a developer, ask for feedback on my nocode features. • If member is a small business owner, ask for use-cases. • if member is following one of my competittors, ask to connect with them to grow my network in the (competitors name) market. • if none of the above, add reaction or comment on their latest post
👍 3
Is this automation for personal use, or you are coming out with a product we can try?
how can do this automation? any sofftwarre you are using?
I will publish it in my app store, so any robotic.li user can use it. With our API you could even build a product out of it
👍 1
Can your compilation learn the patterns that can be trained by the user for better personalisation?
Everything is possible, but I would like to keep it lean for now. The platform allows me to add NLP capabilities so anything from LinkedIn , blog posts, Twitter etc. Could be added. What kind of personalisation would you like to see?
@robotic li something with your platform? Or could it be my problem?
There is a problem after you click the email verification link, but of you navigate back to the homepage and try to login you should be fine.
interested in trying it out. but I am pretty lost after logging in. it is just presenting me an empty dashboard. and buttons dont seem to be working @robotic li
@kolekto Thanks for the feedback, I suppose the dashboard is only interesting after building the first automations. Would you like a personal onboarding?
moving this convo to dm @robotic li