Need help on finding people to validate an idea fo...
# ask-a-growth-question
Need help on finding people to validate an idea for a sleep tracking app. I'm currently trying to find people who will validate and give feedback on my app idea, I can't do it in real life so I'll have to find and communicate with them online. Any advice?
Hey Austin, I've just made a video about exactly this that I'll be publishing tomorrow. I'll flick it to you once it's live if that's ok?
👍 1
Have you tried posting to Reddit? Also get ready for the first question: how's your app different from sleep cycle or the new apple sleep tracker.
Thanks, Charles, I'm looking forward to it. I haven't posted it yet on Reddit, I'll try it thought, thanks for the advice.
Here you go Austin, hope this helps! Feel free to reach out to me if you want to discuss more: