Can you recommend strategies to grow a B2B2C digit...
# ask-a-growth-question
Can you recommend strategies to grow a B2B2C digital health app?
Without more details the answer here is always "it depends" But when I hear strategy and marketing a framework I always start out with is the Enhanced Ansoff Matrix. Recommend reading about it if you're not familiar. Typically any strategy for growth you choose for your firm will fit into one of these 9 boxes. And when I say "any strategy" I mean you get to chose 3 at max. So select the few boxes that are going to fit best for you and knock it out of the park on those few. Last thing to say. Frame your thoughts in this order: Goals >> Strategy >> Tactics Tactics fit into strategy (IE one of these boxes in the ansoff matrix) and strategy should fit in with your goal. But start at Goal (what is the profit I want to reach by X date) and work your way down. Edit: stated another way, your goals drive your strategy, and your strategy drives your tactics. Doing this any other way is bad practice
YES to Goals -> Strategy -> Tactics. This can’t be said enough! Very good advice!
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Good to hear my MBA taught me something 🙂
I don’t have an MBA but I’ve been trying for clients to answer “what are the goals?” before anything else!