Why do I have a feeling people are not taking acti...
# ask-a-growth-question
Why do I have a feeling people are not taking action on Linkedin (outreach), but just email? They actually tell me they are interested to book a call, but never book it...and there is a link in the message. This happened to many times to be coincidence!
I have a LI campaign running for a client that is a lead gen for a high dollar conversion. Very targeted. We get leads that actually book conversations but we use a traditional form and not a calendly link (or anything like that). Maybe, if the outreach is cold, it take further follow-up to get a booked call. Again, not sure how cold the outreach you are attempting. Cold outreach works but it is hard and yes, lots of folks claim to have interest but are too busy to book.
@Alex Giedt thanks for answering. It's a cold list, yes.
Try different approaches. Going in cold sometimes requires interest, a contact/lead and then booking the call. In my past I have used some sort of content to get the interest, a form and then a conversation that gets a call, Definitely more work, I realize, but booking calls off of a click or even a view on some content can be hard. Impossible, no, but hard!
Got it. Thanks Alex :))
@Petar try offering a specific time(s) rather than just a booking link. This allows you to retain control and gives you a reason to follow up
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Hey Kris, sounds like a good strategy. I'll try it :))
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Cool, if you see a higher conversion let me know :)
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