Most cost efficient form of marketing/advertising ...
# ask-a-growth-question
Most cost efficient form of marketing/advertising that has worked out in your past experiences? My team is looking to scale users and get more beta testers!
Hey Nick, If you're looking to scale users and Beta Testers, I would recommend using Micro Influencers to reach your goals. I have a list of Micro Influencers I use to Beta Test new platforms for me. I have about 11k of them that specifically do this. I just run a contest and the person with the most points at the end of three months wins a cash prize. This allows you to utilize thousands of beta testers but only pay one of them at the end of 3 months. Good luck! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions
Wow, very great idea. Thanks, Bob! How did you manage to accumulate 11k?
I run Facebook/Instagram ads that target Influencers by interest to make sure they are actually interested in what I'm selling. I have very high converting ads that can generate a new Influencer for .35 cents each. You can see the screenshot of my Facebook ads account for my last ad run and see my results. Hope that helps!
Great idea @Bob Thomas, do you also have an influencers for personas like startup CXOs, Product Managers and Designers?
Thanks Shivam, I have over 200K Influencers segmented by interests in whatever I was promoting at the time as I always run new ads to acquire Influencers who are actually interested in what I'm working on or what my client is selling. I do have a lot of Startup, CMO and Graphic Design Influencers in my list though.
Nice. How can we work together? Here is our tool, let me know if it makes any sense
I actually love your platform, one question... can you share the meeting recap with people who weren't able to attend the meeting? And, can companies store the past meeting recaps in their account?
That's very interesting. If you don't mind me asking, what would you charge for 1k beta testers/influencers? We're really trying to deploy beta testing and receive high quality feedback towards a questionnaire we've put together.
What niche are you in? Are you wanting new Beta Testers who will also be early adopters? When I run campaigns like this, the Beta Testing is just a small part of what I have them do. Beyond that, they can follow you in social media, engage with your content to drive account authority, create videos about your product or service and so much more. So, when I run campaigns, I'll acquire Influencers specifically interested in my niche and then engage with them for 3 months at a time and incentivize them by offering a Spokesperson contract of $2,500 to $5k. Influencers earn points for doing things that provide value and the Influencer with the most points wins the contract. So, it really depends on much you want to utilize the Influencers and target them.
We are fintech. Our company is called Money Pickle, which I can provide more information on for a better understanding on what we do if that helps, as well as our website (app in the app stores as well). We are wanting beta testers for both feedback and the possibility of early adoption. All of those features sounds great! We would most definitely be interested in doing a bit of everything, but maybe start with the beta testing only in the beginning?
Hey Nick, It might help to jump on a call and discuss in more detail. There a lot of fixed costs no matter what you do with the Influencers so you might as well get as much value out of them as you can. It wouldn't add a ton of additional costs to do everything and it would have a massive impact on your brand, account authority and organic user growth from being more discoverable where your customers are trying to find your solutions to their problems!
yeah @Bob Thomas, you can share it with anyone via email and slack. And different past meetings will be stored in different Channels at Instaminutes.