Has anyone worked with Flickr? My Saas is a tool t...
# ask-a-growth-question
Has anyone worked with Flickr? My Saas is a tool that helps users share their photos to groups ( like communities or subreddits ) but my growth for paying customer has been for ~10 users month
Is Flickr still alive? I haven’t heard anything about the platform in years. I feel like Imgur comes to mind as a widely used photo sharing tool.
It’s alive yes. My main users come from Second Life users. They use the website to share their in-game photo content.
Ah, okay. That’s pretty specific.
Well, those are the easy target. I’m trying to target photographers. But that has been an issue
Flickr died because it couldn't convert customers. I remember this begging email last year asking to upgrade when they didn't have any features worth upgrading. I've been using Flickr for more than 10 years and was a pro user for few years. The problem was engagement not photo sharing. Photographers started using other tools like 500x, instagram.. etc.
👍 1
That’s along the lines of what I was thinking. I think user research needs to happen to uncover what features photographers would be interested in.
Well regardless there’s still people willing to pay for ‘plugins’ for Flickr