Question: Does anyone have tips on getting users t...
# ask-a-growth-question
Question: Does anyone have tips on getting users through the onboarding funnel of a mobile app? 📱 Context: My co-founder @Clayton Rieck and I have built a fashion app Peachi 🍑 that helps users shop for the perfect item based on their style. We are running a Youtube ad to get people to download our app so we can validate some features with new users. The funnel is as follows: Youtube Ad > Our Website > Download App. The Problem: We are getting users to download the app, but oddly enough they stop on the welcome screen and don’t proceed any further so we don’t get the chance to collect their email and follow up for feedback. At first we thought our welcome screen wasn’t enticing enough. Then we updated the screen to include an animated slideshow of stylish people (both are pictured below). So far conversions have not improved. Advice: Has anyone encountered this situation before? It seems odd someone would be watching a Youtube video, see an ad, go to the website, download the app and then quit on the welcome screen before they get a chance to see what the app is about lol.
Here’s a link to our website if it’s helpful
Hi @Justin Ramos, Nice innovation. But the reason why your prospect leaves midway without signing up may be they are not engaged. The video is a slide show of people but it doesn't speak about the painpoint or challenges your target prospect is facing.
If you use words or visuals, you need to make sure that the content aligns with the problem the visitor is facing with finding the perfect clothing for their unique style and then align the problem with the solution your product is solving.
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This is helpful. We can try and tweak the copy to more explicitly highlight the solution we provide. Thank you 🙏🏽
Video marketing works magic but there has to be audio and transcription attached to it to make it engaging. And yes. If someone is interrupted by an ad when he or she is on YT, he will definitely be interested in what you have to offer if your ad speaks directly to his painpoint and your website content sells your product as a solution to his problem.
Yea, that’s the confusing thing because we spoke to them enough to stop watching their video and download our app, but then they didn’t continue with the onboarding process to actually sign up and see what it’s about lol
Send the video to me let's check what may be wrong.
Of course, here’s the

youtube ad

and the welcome screen slideshow video is at the top of this thread.
You need to change the messaging in the ad. The content on your website sells better, so you can adopt it.
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Justin, what's crazy is that if you had spun the same story, but said that the animation conversion worked, I feel like the sentiment would have been "Well, of course that worked, you're showing pictures of fashionable people!" You may be running into a common industry trend, which is.... "click fraud" or "ad download fraud", which will be damn near impossible to detect..... I've encountered similar behavior when purchasing "pre-installs" on new android devices, but that is an entirely different problem set.
Interesting, I've never heard of "click fraud" but I'll check that out because that would make sense lol.
It's a rabbit hole that will only give you hints of information and not a complete picture. As far as I know there is no comprehensive study done on click fraud, but it is just something you should be aware of. It's part of the reason I started directly rewarding people to complete actions (customer journey rewards). KarmaCall was my first app (where I ran into this kind of fraud) and I built FynCom to open up that rewards ecosystem. Good luck! Seems like you're doing the right things with the AB testing. What's the next test for you?
Thanks! Currently we've got 2 experiments to try out: • Add some animated text that calls out the value Peachi will add to users "Find the perfect look faster" "Share outfit ideas with your friends" etc. • Use caching to decrease loading time of the initial screen in case users feel this is taking too long to try out.
Hey @Justin Ramos I'd be a good user for the app after watching the videos and seeing the website, here's my feedback: 1. First and foremost, the beta testing app within an app thing (iOS) is a major barrier to entry for me psychologically. I think your target audience is exhausted enough by the overwhelming process of shopping and may be hindered by the inability to download directly either for the sake of time and energy or the disappointment of feeling like it's gonna be a crappy beta that won't be around a long time. 2. I disagree with the idea that the sign up screen needs more. I think it actually needs less! I would minimize the entry screen to just launch into either a new account creation or interactive styling. The account sign up should just ask for the required info and either search for existing accounts with matching info or offer a small button with the sign in link. Alternatively, letting people try out the app should be the easiest way to get people involved right away. Launching right into the what are you looking for page can get people invested up front, then when they are ready to save, buy, or upload more information, they should be prompted to create an account. Loss aversion has gotten me to create accounts for dozens of sites I don't even like or remember. 3. Assume your customers are serial shoppers. They probably have full abandoned carts at 5+ stores and tons of inspiration pins they're looking to emulate. They probably have variations of their desired outfits already picked out, but haven't pulled the trigger. Offering a fast, all in one solution could be a huge draw. If I like the boots I saw hailey Bieber wearing, I want to feel confident I've seen everything available on the internet before I commit to a purchase, especially if I'm investing more than like $20
Got it. I agree with all of this Abbey and may follow up with you for more clarifying questions if that's OK 😅. I think there are certainly ways to minimize friction. I think the beta testing app within an app is a speed bump but hearing you call that out makes me feel like it's a bigger issue than I anticipated so perhaps we should go to the app store sooner rather than later
Any time! Seriously this is an app I've dreamed of, I'd love to see it succeed.
That's amazing Abbey! I will definitely follow up with you. It's my birthday today I will respond in full tomorrow 😁
Well then happy birthday mate! 🥳
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you need to run App Campaigns and not Youtube Ads, if you need further assistance i am always happy to help