Daily Growth Question: How to generate buzz befor...
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Daily Growth Question: How to generate buzz before a product launch? I know that most of you guys and girls have been part of a product launch to some degree, what has been the most successful method for generating buzz before launching? For me: Building a pre-launch user base (Beta Testing) that loves the product and has exclusive access to it before the launch. This is an excellent way for stress-testing your product. Public testers can help identify flaws or usage patterns that your QA team missed or did not anticipate. Another advantage of Beta testing is that it aids in attracting early-stage users. Those people are your pre-launch user base, and they should have exclusive access to your product. They already love your product and can help you spread the news about the launch. Let me know what is yours.
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@Stefan Despotovski 👋 How did you get a pre-launch user base that loves the product?
Well three things @Taku Communication, getting to know the target audience. Giving them value a reason to test the product out or in other words showing them love. Remember them and keep in touch with them, I think this was the most important part, Most people just give one time value and show them love at the start, then we forget about them.
@Stefan Despotovski Thanks & that makes sense. Getting a user base is the hardest part for me..
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This is really insightful.
The best way to build a pre-launch audience is to run a Micro Influencer contest using Gamification. You can acquire Micro Influencers who are interested in your niche by running Facebook/Instagram ads looking for people who are Models (Job) and interested in Modeling (Interest). I run Spokesperson contests all the time when I'm launching a new company and I have Influencers take the following actions to earn points: • Fill out the Facebook Ad Lead form (Collects their Full Name, Email and Phone Number) • Follow all my social media accounts • Engage with my social media content to help it rank in the social search engines • Build social account authority to help my content rank better long term • Create video content for my niche, product, software, App or service that I can use to reach new customers. Each piece of content is reformatted for all the video sharing platforms like TikTok, YouTube, Facebook/Instagram Reels and Pinterest. • Give feedback about the business using polls • Share my blog content in social media for syndication • Share any press mentions in social media to drive more earned media • Fill a dedicated YouTube channel with tons of user generated content and attract new users through organic YouTube search traffic • Build authority to your website having Influencers with their own blogs write about your company and linking to it • Purchase your product and create a product review video As you can see, there are a lot of ways to utilize Micro Influencers. Figure out what your goals are and think of ways you can use thousands of people to help you reach those goals. When I run a campaign, I offer a $2,500 to $5,000 contract to the Micro Influencer who earns the most points after 3 months. That way you don’t have to pay everyone who participates which would get very expensive. It costs me $15k to $20k to run a campaign over 3 months but I get millions of dollars worth of engagement with an equivalent ad spend. Hope you guys reach your goals and have a great launch!
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@Bob Thomas super insightful & thank you! Are you in some sort of a micro influencer group to spread the word?
@Taku you’re welcome. I don’t belong to any groups like that, but I run Facebook and Instagram ads to acquire Influencers with an interest in my specific niche. That way they are already interested in what I’m doing, but incentivized to help me grow my platform and scale it.
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