Is there a service out there where you can pay for...
# ask-a-growth-question
Is there a service out there where you can pay for someone to show you how to make website changes? Specifically technical SEO changes. Basically, I’m sick of emailing my developer and paying when I know there are plenty of super simple website/technical SEO tasks that I could probably do myself. If someone only shared a screencast of the task being done. Then I’d definitely save a few pennies long term. AND learn in the process.
What type of website is it built in? Tons of tools for various tasks like this. Had to do this for client, because they built their website in php. No marketing team should ever be restricted to using devs for marketing ops
Move them to wordpress, webflow etc.
👍 1
Agree with @James Davis your marketing team needs to be able to update the website. Wordpress or Webflow are good options. What platform are you on?
I'm on wordpress and using visual composer to make content changes. It's mostly various technical changes that I'm not sure of though. Javascript this... minify that etc.
Hmmm. There is a plug in called Yoast for wordpress that makes stuff like that easy I use it for my Wordpress blog and it's pretty good. They also have a ton of training for it.