Hey I have made a tool to find people in your nich...
# share-what-you-are-working-on
Hey I have made a tool to find people in your niche on sites like reddit, Twitter, LinkedIn etc. Currently it uses just Reddit but I'm planning to add others soon. I would love some feedback. Check it out here https://nichebee.pages.dev/
What is it matching for? Of the sample profiles I saw returned, it was hit and miss… But that might be due to my search query…
What did you search for ??
I searched for startups
it got me contacts that are part of subreddits connected to startups
I'm guessing it matching based on subreddits
If you had searched for startups and London you would have gotten contacts of people in subreddits related to both startups and London. So basically you would have found "startup founders in London"
Well I tried that, It gave me more contacts as it added people that are from London, or London connected subreddits. The problem here is anyone on reddit can join any subreddit which means even though I'm part of r/startups that doesn't mean I'm a startup founder. So basically with your tool we can search people on reddit from a specific subreddits that are connected to the specific keyword. Question does it also search based on posts on reddit?
No it doesn't search posts rn
Anyone here need help with Reddit? I download all 300GB+ of comments from Reddit per month and run some nerd magic on it to understand how people in one subreddit belong in another, so I can give you lookalike audiences for Reddit. Here's an example for r/iPhone