Hi everyone I’m Yonathan, a lead generator. I cre...
# share-what-you-are-working-on
Hi everyone I’m Yonathan, a lead generator. I created my digital marketing business and im looking to provide value and of course make my first sale. As a first time business owner I really don’t know what I’m doing, I am doing the best I can. Right now I am focusing 80% of my free time on generating clients. So far I have not gotten any results. I tried LinkedIn Sales Navigator, I did cold outreach to a few people but to be honest I’m tired of that approach because I did not get any yeses. I also created a craigslist ad, and I’m sad to say I did not get any sign ups or website visits. If anybody has some creative ideas on how to get clients it would be nice to chat. Here is my website in case you have any suggestions. dlcdm.com
1. Your website copy has a lot of I instead of we. It's totally fine but you're selling yourself as an agency instead of a solo freelancer. 2. For your LinkedIn outreach, who's your target audience? Are they aware of softwares that can give them lead lists like Apollo, zoominfo … etc? 3. Have you tried “meeting booking” instead of just a list of leads? 4. And last, how many people did you contact on LinkedIn and how many cold outreach emails did you send?
yeah i can't understand why anyone would pay for lead lists when tools like zoom/lusha etc exist
the intersection of salespeople and people who don't have access or knowledge of these tools is also almost 0
if you other meetings booked instead, you might have a better success rate. Charge a flat fee per meeting that fits an ICP, IE: "$500 per meeting booked with finance directors in Orange County"
Hey Oras, thanks for the help. 2. My target audience are primarily Saas founders that have less than 10 employees. I am or was hoping to get Saas founders who would like to close there deals. I am sure they know about these prospecting tools. 3. I have not tried that approach. 4. The plan was to reach out to 50 people via sales navigator everyday and make a sale.
@Yonathan I am a solo founder and will give you my experience with this kind of work. 1. I tried making leads myself using apollo for few weeks. It was time consuming and I had to verify emails too. 2. After a few weeks, I jumped to Upwork where I could get a 100 verified leads for 0.25 per lead. 3. The outreach didn’t workout for me as I didn’t know the exact pain point behind my offering that time. The problem with early SaaS founders is they don’t have a product market fit and they try to spray and pray which means huge numbers of emails. They might not even know the target audience. My advice is to find a lead generation agency(ies) and do sub-contracting with them. You will learn from their requests and which industries they target. In a few months, you will have a good understanding about the in-demand markets. You might need to compromise on pricing, but consider it paying for a real life course.
Hi @Dan Taylor, sorry for the late reply. I work do I could not get to you earlier. Thank you for the feedback, I am not going to say that my business is perfect, far from it. That is the reason why I am asking for advice. The reason why I sell lead list is so business owners can have more time. There are tools that owners can use, however I save them the trouble from having to prospect. I have to admit that offering booked meetings might be a step up for me. I am still trying to find the winning formula and talking to you guys will help with that.
Hi @Oras, can you please expand on the sub contracting? I am not sure how to do that, and I really don't know what you mean by that. A little clarity would be cool. Maybe you have an article I can read, if you do please send it my way.
Hi @Yonathan sorry for my late reply. 1. Search for lead generation agencies, identify those with high end clients. 2. Reach out to them offering your services to help them manage the workload.
Thanks @Oras