Super excited to announce that Awesome Indie is on...
# share-what-you-are-working-on
Super excited to announce that Awesome Indie is on Product Hunt today! 😻 I've been working on this on and off as a side project since the last year. And now, after multiple refactors and redesigns, I feel it is finally in an MVP state ready for its first launch! 🚀 Awesome Indie was created as a small and clean alternative to startup directories like BetaList, StartupBase, Launching Next, and even Product Hunt itself (inception? 😂). The main goal is to feature mostly bootstrapped products made by indie makers, solo founders, or small independent teams. As an indie maker myself, sometimes we see our hard-worked projects getting shadowed by big corporate products, so Awesome Indie is an attempt to create a small community dedicated to all of us, indie makers! 🙂 I tried to make the submission process as painless as possible. For example, it's not required to add custom images as I have an automated job that will automatically take screenshots to the product website when it gets approved. The project was completely bootstrapped, with zero investment (only time and sweat 😅) and the first products were manually added by me. Nowadays there are a few organic users that submit their projects daily, but, the number of submissions is still very low, so sometimes some "not-so-indie" products are accepted, in a way to maintain the website running with 1-3 daily featured projects. So, hopefully, this launch will generate more visibility and increase the number of future submissions. I hope you like it! Thanks! 🙌
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Congratulations on the launch - I'd love to submit my anti-social media app minutiae (was unable to find the submission section??)
🙌 1
Thanks @maad! It is very easy, you just have to sign in and then go to to submit your project!
Thanks - just a suggestion maybe rename the button submit instead of login.
Cool idea!
@Lisa Lemon thank you - give it a try!