Hi everyone! We are a B2B SaaS specialising in Div...
# ask-a-growth-question
Hi everyone! We are a B2B SaaS specialising in Diversity and Inclusion tech, and I have just got stuck into our growth marketing. Does anyone know the best way to approach lead generation integrating Mailchimp and Wordpress. Would anyone recommend any consultant / freelancer who specialises in this area so I am able to pick their brain? Many thanks!
Hi Nicole, For a B2B company of such like yours, it means you may need to send a bunch of mails daily/weekly to nurture and convert leads to paying clients
I would recommend you look into setting up your lead generation process with Mautic and your wordpress website
With Mautic, you no longer need to pay bunch of dollars monthly for Marketing.
Mautic is a Free and powerful open source self-hosted email marketing automation software you can connect with Amazon SES to send quality emails with the best approach
I can help you develop an holistic marketing automation with Mautic following a proven Strategy canvas as shown here - https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVOuJNnGg=/