Questions for everyone — We’re starting a new targ...
# ask-a-growth-question
Questions for everyone — We’re starting a new targeted approach toward founders for our product (both for feedback and sales) and I’m looking to learn about new channels to reach them. What are the best ways/channels to reach startup founders and entrepreneurs?
I think you can find a good set of founders and entrepreneurs on LinkedIn directly or in places like the Forums on Product Hunt.
👍 1
Thanks @Krishna pediredla for the tip - any specific forums you recommend?
Try to join start up communities, or find angel investors and look at their followers.
@Edgar Lobaton Jr. Looking at follower lists could be a good idea - thank you!
Besides all the obvious answers like LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. If you think about it, the best way to market to startup founders is to be where founders are: YC networking virtual events (they're hosting 3 every week), Accelerator and Incubator programs (like the Founder Institute or Cofounders lab), startup groups, startup events, dedicated forums, etc. This is the best way to reach them