What do you use for product analytics? I'm looking...
# ask-a-growth-question
What do you use for product analytics? I'm looking into Amplitude, Mixpanel, June.so, etc but none seem all that great
🙌 2
Hey Satvik! May I ask your use case? Are you particularly looking to track events or more from data unification?
Amplitude seems to work really well for us. Is there a particular use-case where it's failing you?
I use Amplitude and I Love it
It's for a mobile app, B2C mainly. I haven't used any of the product analytics services yet but was just looking into what people thought were good
For starting purposes, amplitude and mixpanel can do it, if you are looking for frontend analytics as of now. if you want to unify this data with backend then there is extra engineering effort to either send your backend data to these sources and tag them to the Id provided by them, which can become a little costly in long run along with you been locked with these tools. Other way is to just use them as event collectors and get that data in your backend still some effort will be required for tagging but you can use tools like Datazip, segment, rudderstack to get data from them in no code manner.
Can that be handled later after getting some traction? Just wanted to start off simple for now.
Yes, It can be. But would really recommend to setup the tagging from start. Even if you choose option 2 later it will be easier to map once you have the common id between these tools and backend.