hey all! wondering if anyone has any experience wi...
# ask-a-growth-question
hey all! wondering if anyone has any experience with emails falling into spam or promotions? (via CRM tools like mailchimp, or even others, or external tools!) is it more the sender, content, text that would make an email more likely to be marked as spam/promo? thanks in advance! πŸ™‚
Email being marked as spam has various factors From the type of words you use ( Gmail automatically marks you as spam if you use those ) to the layout of your email, the email id , the email profile photo / logo
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thanks so much !
I couldn't tell the exact reason why you are facing it as I need to read the email in order to know that If you are fine with it - you can send me the email copy in dms and I would love to audit
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I understand! it’s mostly a general use-case, we are contacting people after a survey to offer them a coupon for their help. are there certain words we should be avoiding?
Hubspot has a complete pdf on spam Trigger words that you should avoid - I would love to forward it over if you wish
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I also faced this things, i observed that, if you add emoticons to your subject line, it goes to spam, if the domain DR or DA is high (more than 40) then it will go to promotions in most of the cases! (Just for info)
Hi @Lalitha, I'm also facing the same issues. Would be great if you can share the pdf document with me. dheenadayalan.tks@siamcomputing.com
yes having this pdf would be awesome and a big help - leah@pictarine.com thanks πŸ˜„
@Digitalworkerbees thanks for that information! we will keep that in mind!
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Certain emotions can increase the open rate - It is based on what type of emotions/ feelings that emoticon represent
I have a solution for this but it will require some technical knowledge. Take a look at the image below. I was able to make the google magic work in my favor. I have sent thousands of emails using the technology that I built myself. It will, however, require a google workspace paid account. My campaigns performed excellently with an open rate above 57%. I can even send a screenshot for the campaign report if you like. If you are interested then I can build it for you. You won't have to pay any subscription amount or even spend thousands of dollars on it.
Hey, I would love to know more about this , Can I DM you ?
Email will land in the priority inbox and users will be tempted to check this highly important email sent from your email inbox. You will also be able to see who opened it and when.
More on this, if for any reason your campaign performance goes down or if users start marking it as spam. You can create a new alias address and now again send your emails with very high priority. Gmail allows creating upto 300 alias email addresses. You might have seen companies using β€œno-reply@example.com” and that is what we are going to do with our technology. Create alias email addresses and own the google magic forever.
If you are interested then I am just a DM away.
I had a similar issue with this via Mailchimp recently. I spoke to Mailchimp support and they advised we just needed to verify our domain, which we did through our hosting service and DNS records I think (Mailchimp has instructions how to do it). We resent the campaign after this was done and had a significantly higher open rate so I think the second time it truly did not go to spam! If you use Mailchimp, I would try that.
there is a lot that's written about this. everyone will have their own POV. here are specific things that worked for me. i am pulling this out of team retros on this topic β€’ experiment with copy. Do X, measure results/open rate, try Y β€’ if applicable (may not work for your content) - ask users to mark it as priority, to move it out of spam and to reply to you with something personal about them. yes, ask them and show them with a GIF how to β€’ plain text will convert > HTML. also looks more authentic. that's it! experience β€’ built early parts of minecraft (acquired by microsoft) β€’ built streamlabs (acquired by logitech)
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@Jenny Hagan Mailchimp is in this industry from a long time and no doubt they are good. However, speaking from technology perspective I would like to mention that there are a few flaws when sending templates with Mailchimp. They use a lot of nested tables in their HTML templates. I agree to @George Kurdin that plain text will convert more because the more nested tables you use with their HTML drag and drog builder, the more the size of your email, hence, it will take more time for the client to download it. This means less conversion and ignorance of your content in future by the same prospect. Plain text will definitely increase your chances of conversion. Using preview text and better headlines is key to higher open rate. There are various formats available online that you can use to include attractive titles that induce curiosity and make them open the email. I used all of this and with my google magic marking it as important => boom! Open rates significantly increased. I want you to work smarter and take your email marketing to the next level with your own tool that I will build for you. DM me if interested.
thanks all for these great ideas and feedback!!!
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@Navninder Benipal Hi, i would love to know more, please contact me reem@prlines.tech