Weekly Question Poll <!channel> Because the topic...
# ask-a-growth-question
Weekly Question Poll <!channel> Because the topic of next week's growth talk live event is Customer Journey Map, the question of the week is: Should customer-journey maps be used for: 1️⃣*Evaluating current-state experiences* (how your customers currently perceive their interactions with your organization) 2️⃣*Designing ideal-state experiences* (Future-State journeys that reveal areas where your organization can beat the competition) 3️⃣*Both* Let us know in the thread of this message what is most important to you when creating customer journey maps for your business.
1️⃣ 1
2️⃣ 5
3️⃣ 17
If anyone is interested in registering for next week growth talk live event about How to create a Customer Journey Map w/@claudiu from InnerTrends. Which will be happening on 11th of August, 06:00 PM CET (Central European Time) Click here to register*:* https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwrdeCgrzwuHNftaSaI2RVQk23cNBh4LLnW