What reporting tools are you currently using ??? ...
# ask-a-growth-question
What reporting tools are you currently using ??? 1. Excel / Google Sheet 2. PowerBI 3. Tableau 4. Google Data Studio Feel free to suggest any other tools !
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We use a mix of HubSpot Reports & the analytics function of our own platform as it lets us combine data from Hubspot & the rest of our tech stack and gamify it!
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Oh interesting ! Is that becoz your team is using HubSpot CRM , thats why you are using HubSpot Report?
Yeah, we live in Hubspot so most of our data is in there. We operate our own reporting & gamification platform (OneUp Sales) and that’s fantastic for combining our CRM’s data with the rest of the tech stack - making it accessible & fun for the team to access.
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Google Data Studio all the way. Free connectors are unbeatable.
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I love GDS too ! 🥸 How do you connect your data with GDS now ? By Google Sheet or using the service like BigQuery from Google Cloud ?
haha well I’m a little biased here. I work for Joinr, which is a free ad data connector, so we use it for our own ad data as well!
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specifically b/c it automatically blends data from FB Ads, Google Ads and others
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