Hey GMP fam! I have a quick question for you all: ...
# ask-a-growth-question
Hey GMP fam! I have a quick question for you all: I’m looking to build a simple landing page, but I want to be able to capture the email/name of folks visiting the page (to send them a separate email). Is there a simple solution to this? My website is hosted on Wix right now and they don’t seem to offer such feature. Thanks 🙂
There are tons of options to do this. I don;t know much about Wix but here are some options 1. You can simply send emails to your preferred email using any SMTP service (Little technical). 2. Use Mailchimp or active campaigns or any third-party email autoresponders to add forms and collect emails and sent the response to them as per your need. 3. You can also use Zapier webhooks to collect the user's data submitted in the form and send it where you want. 4. Or you can use leadbubble.io to add a video widget to grab user attention and collect details and send them wherever you want.
Hi Patrick 👋 Contact Collection should be available on Wix. Try this: https://www.wix.com/app-market/contact-collectionI In terms of the landing page -> e-mail integrations, I recommend Mailer Lite if Wix allows it instead of Mailchimp. From my experience it’s the best option when starting out. You can setup automatic email replies when someone leaves you their email and take it from there. Hope this helps 😊
@Tina @Chandra Prakash Tiwari - thank you for your help. Any way we can ‘automatically’ collect the emails, without going through a manual form entry?
Do you mean - without the visitors actually sharing them with you?
Is there it can be automatically capture based on their browser information?
No, unfortunately. Even f you find a way I think it’s illegal. The only way to get personal user information is with their consent aka them willingly sharing it with you. That’s why e-commerce sites give you 15% of your first purchase if you leave your email, and other businesses give away free e-books and courses and what not. If it was that easy, none of that would exist 😄
🙌 1
That’s helpful! Thank you @Tina 🙂 Wishful thinking I guess
here are some useful tactics beyond the ones I mentioned how you might be able to persuade the visitors to leave you their personal info: https://getsitecontrol.com/blog/collecting-email-addresses/
It’s my pleasure to help. And yeah, I also wish it was that easy 😄 Good luck with everything!