Hello, Can anyone advise how does a RENEWABLE ene...
# ask-a-growth-question
Hello, Can anyone advise how does a RENEWABLE energy solutions research company get traction for growth even after 14 years of intensive research and development and a groundbreaking product?
Happy to chat - I've got a decade of experience in cleantech manufacturing and wholesale marketing experience. Going to need a whole lot more details.....
ENERGY CORP in laboratory environment converts carbon dioxide and carbon waste into synfuel/ synthetic fuels mainly synthetic diesel. Our weakness is there is no traction in the sense of academic value or intellectual property commercial viability and there is great difficulty to keep raising capital for infrastructure
1. Do you have a website? 2. How far have talks gotten with the big players in the space? (I mean no shade, but I've seen some really crappy products that never get anywhere...because they are really crappy products.) Is the technology sound? Have you received any government grants?
Long story short . Its started out with government grants in 2008 to 2011
That's a good start. Any pilot project out and operating in the real world?
Then the very government and the oil and gas company linked to the government forced the research to be shut down
That led me to relocate to another country and put the research in the freezer for 8 years . When Corona lockdown happen am restarted the research
www.energycorp1.com we created this for an ico
Am not sure or not that I know off
I understand that this industry is extremely frustrating and you are indeed up against vested interests, but I don't think the site is giving off the vibe that will help you be successful with investors.
The problem is scientists are not good business people
And marketers aren't scientists lol
Are you raising funds via crypto?
It was the mission but failed get traction
Well...you have 7 anonymous people asking free money via crypto. That screams 'sketchy as fuck' from the rooftop - even if you didn't mean it to.
Agreed but they want to be anonymous
For reasons of their safety and some people are not attention seekers
In 2011 we left the original country cause thelocal law enforcement was after us to shut down the independent research lab and seized most of the data
You can incorporate a company, do it via a legitimate funding site, etc. I haven't raised money this way, but I'm sure there are ways around it. Talk with a laywer then.
The reality is crude oil and gas industries giants own the government
Yeah there is a company
But my location now is Russia a country with 5000 sanctions on it and the people in the country
"Anonymous people doing basement research" just isn't the vibes that will give people confidence. Ah, yeah, that's a whole different story.
Was very close to secure funding from beyond carbon a Canadian company but they decided not to collaborate with a Russian company in March
Anyway it was pleasant to chat with you. Good day