Weekly Growth question poll <!channel> What initi...
# ask-a-growth-question
Weekly Growth question poll <!channel> What initial marketing channels do you typically use? 1️⃣Email 2️⃣SEO Content 3️⃣Influencer marketing 4️⃣Affiliate marketing 5️⃣PR 6️⃣Partnership marketing 7️⃣Other (Let us know in thread of this message) Vote with by pressing on the number emoji below. Optional: Explain in thread of this message why have you used that specific channel and why it has been so successful for you.
6️⃣ 17
7️⃣ 7
4️⃣ 6
5️⃣ 11
2️⃣ 29
1️⃣ 43
3️⃣ 8
Paid Social
Why is affiliate marketing so low 😱
👀 1
Interesting how many of us work with partners more than influencers and affiliates.
Social or Paid Social
I do product launches on ProductHunt
Great to see partnerships is gaining popularity. I reckon that would’ve been close to zero a few years ago
You guys working with affiliates? Is this B2C or B2B?
No paid search? I recommend it because unlike FB ads (which is removing detailed targeting Jan 2022 and replacing that with lookalikes), search utilizes: locations, interests, behaviors, intent and keywords (among other things) to reach people at all stages of the funnel. Google ads specifically owns 92% of all market share, making it essential for all businesses.
@Dominik Portmann i work with affiliates in b2b saas
@Joran interesting - only saas?
I leave a comment on every share my Saas does on the Flickr platform for each photo. That’s my main marketing channel. Kinda weird but …
Sms goes hand in hand with email but performs better. Email is much easier to get subscribers, so we use emails and social media as funnels to generate more contact info. Giveaways and value adds are great ways to get UGC and contact info from your audience that you can the use to remarket. Pays for itself IMO
3️⃣. people are more inclined to buy from people, nowadays emails are considered “spammy”. Something about conveyed value works better. Also, 5 years together I've noticed everything my girlfriend buys is directly connected to an influencer's suggestion lol.
👍 2