I'm surprised how few people use affiliate marketi...
# ask-a-growth-question
I'm surprised how few people use affiliate marketing to kick off their projects šŸ‘€ Do you mind sharing why? 1ļøāƒ£ I think it doesn't generate revenue 2ļøāƒ£ Affiliate tools are expensive 3ļøāƒ£ Don't know how to connect with affiliate partners 4ļøāƒ£ Difficult setup (dev needed) 5ļøāƒ£ Other (let us know in thread)
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In my experience, affiliate marketing has become cheapened by overcrowding. Creators are constantly promoting products and prospective clients are becoming extremely wary of these ā€œsneakyā€ types of advertising. It seems more worthwhile to invest in upfront advertising that can convert, or to start organic conversations engaging real people.
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This is 100% correct. It still can be a very viable channel, but is not often not (again, in my arrogant opinion) the starting point. When your advertising starts to work, affiliate can be a good expansion.
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That's true. It might not be the #1 marketing option when you just launched the product. How about a referral system where your users promote your tool? (I understand you need to have the user base first)
I ran the referral marketing program for a mobile phone carrier/telecom company for a number of years. Some of the highest value customers will come through those channels. Yes, it helps if you have a decent base but it doesnā€™t take much to boot up a program to capture those referrals (and to promote referrals) . Make sure to develop a good LTV metric that will allow for you to measure the difference in value you get from different channels which will allow you to focus efforts appropriately
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If youā€™re going in the first time and don't have anti-fraud measures in place, kiss your profits goodbye. Affiliates have only gotten better at black hat marketing (which directly threatens your brand) and outright fraud (which affects your bank account).
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Absolutely! Very good point. I have strong opinion/thoughts on that subject, too! If you donā€™t have those kinds of chops/infrastructure, stick with Paid Search for starters.
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I need some help in this space
@Raymond Harjo what kind of help are you looking for?
@Erik Olson i want to create a group of affiliates/promoters who want to make money but also who would like to have shares in my company. Be part of our mission. influencers/health product sellers/affiliates/beta users/health minded individuals. We have a great system and we are franchising into Mexico and are ready after 9 years to open the floodgates. We are a group of Doctors and Scientists who have developed a cutting edge health system and have many service partners and verticals in the health space. Everyone who uses us has a good experience and we have actually saved lives. It is best to give a zoom on what we do to educate these people and help them understand the system and convey that knowledge to others. I want them to have a voice and make suggestions and be part of our evolution as we bring more services and partners onto the platform. A health system needs to be owned partly by the users/affiliates themselves to make it the best it can be and to protect the company from outside influencers who would like to see it fail so they can keep screwing people over and keeping them in a comatose as far as understanding the system and finding health as opposed to losing wealth when it comes to taking control of their healthcare experience.
@Raymond Harjo ok so thereā€™s a lot to unpack here. I donā€™t know what the legality is for making shares available. Youā€™ll need to talk to a lawyer for that, and that's likely to depend on where you're located, too. Second, you're not going to want run-of-the-mill affiliates. There's a lot of fraud in affiliate marketing, and people interested in dismantling your service are going to jump on anything that's even a little away. Youā€™ll have to run a pristine affiliate setup to make this work
@Erik Olson I get it, I have one of the top healthcare lawyers in the country. It is a legitimate approach. They can definitely have shares in a crowdfunding way but we have to give them something... membership. I do not want run of the mill affiliates. I want engagement. Smarter individuals. People who have been through healthcare BS whether it was themselves or a close relative or friend possibly. People who understand they've been duped. Doctors a few years ago were telling patients they had diabetes forever. Then they gad to change the tune and admit they were WRONG. I reversed diabetes in 6 weeks with my own creation. People actually need what we have, and that's all that matters, get the word out and you are their savior. Imagine someone 55 spending 450 dollars on meds and they could be spending 45 dollars. But they don't know it exists. People are going to change lives and make money with us. Now is the time and healthcare is the biggest ocean that exists. I just want some people who get it.
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The flip side is you also need people that know how to convert that traffic into sales. I apologize if I sound like I'm trying you crush your idea; Iā€™m not, and healthcare in the US definitely needs help.
If you cant convert traffic into sales then you have no idea what you are doing. Therefore you are in the wrong space. Smart people, there are 2500 smart people and I will find them. And whoever actually has the smarts to do that will achieve greatness and security beyond their dreams.
I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors
So you have no clue and just asked me a random question?
No, Iā€™m done talking because I'm uninterested in helping people who want to argue and tell me Iā€™m in the wrong space.
Have a great night
lol i just want someone who is awesome to actually look at what we are doing
Give them a reason to
change peoples lives and do something great like you thought you could do when you were little imagining your life. Be part of something amazing. Be open minded. Dont be apologetic. Be AWESOME
You honestly sound like everyone who has asked me to build things for them ā€œon specā€ (99.999% of the time this becomes ā€œfreeā€). With that last paragraph you sound like you're selling online courses. Stop with telling people what you think they want to hear. Give actual value, not platitudes. ā€œBe AWESOMEā€ isnā€™t actual value. I already am awesome. I already do help people, working with existing public health services. This isn't about me, though. Iā€™m questioning you because I notice the things that can become problematic very quickly. These are the things that you need to watch out for, to ensure your project doesn't get destroyed by greedy people who want to feed off you while using your name.
IF youā€™re going to ask for help and then get pissy when free-to-you advice is offered, I donā€™t know what to tell you.
lol man you sound like someone who just asked me some random question, had no idea what you were talking about and just pointed out holes you thought existed that dont and apologized for it
and it was annoying
I apologized for the misunderstanding where you felt I was attacking you
why not say well sounds cool lets see whats it about
Which was clearly the case, because your hostility shot through the roof. Maybe stop assuming where people are coming from
I wish you well, itā€™s not for me at this time. I have a grip of things on my plate I'm supporting, and I canā€™t add another. Iā€™m here to offer insight from a long time doing these things.
While we're on this topic though
you wanna help people, you want good people to be involved, you are a group of doctors and scientist, you are expanding into another country, you want actual regular people to own part of the company and fix something thats completely broken and hurting businesses and destroying peoples lives............ i know someone i am someone that has answers thats what i am looking for. if you cant handle that then say Im not the person you are looking for
dont apologize
because im not
Get your sales pitch into 15-30 seconds. Build a video landing page where you can tease your offering and drive people into your webinar. Build your social media communities NOW. Don't wait. Offer value with things you can give them RIGHT NOW. You already know you have value in your offering, the US healthcare system is in shambles.
Stop stressing my apologizing. Itā€™s one of my tics and I have greater things to worry and care about šŸ˜‚
lol do you want to see what we have at your convenience of course, and help a bunch of people and be at the top at the greatest change that ever happened in healthcare or say we suck and move on. You have to see it to believe it and then once you realize how awesome it is then take it to the limit and it was the greatest decision you ever made?
No, because you sound like youā€™re selling me an MLM and have ignored everything I've said just to get your message out. I get it, I really do. The fact you're here means you need help, and I commend you for asking. Too many people are afraid to even start, much less expand. Iā€™m trying to throw you a bone here and help you out of this mindset. You keep cherry-picking my words and we're getting nowhere. For years, everyone from Dr. Phil and his telemedicine platform to Theranos have promised ā€œthe greatest change in healthcareā€ and none have delivered. I hope I'm wrong in this case, but history would suggest I'm not.
Itā€™s also not a binary choice. I already said I'm not interested at this time. I already gave you suggestions to drive traffic to your webinar. Your outgoing cost will be nominal and you'll get people who want to be a part of your collective.
Most of them will not perform for you. Some percent will. Foster those relationships and offer support to the ones who don't
Building these sorts of communities has been done thousands of times before. You've got this
Thanks man!!!
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Confrontation is good. Imagine the arguments in our meetings between Doctors and Scientists I mean God the crazy explosion that happened over Statins was incredible. This is the way greatness happens. Not by the norm, thats for sure, If you want to be part of something outside the box, futuristic, relevant, dont hesitate to reach out, be awesome with us, as one of us, who is changing the corrupt world of healthcare so people and mostly the regular people have a voice and have the power to have control of their actual existence and their health, I reversed my diabetes in 6 weeks and my hypertension in 3 without medication with my own creation. Are you awesome? let me know you are ready to change yourself and the World and I will welcome you to our family.
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