Hi all, we just launched our Platform and we are l...
# ask-a-growth-question
Hi all, we just launched our Platform and we are looking for Mentors to join and monetize their time, by offering 1-to-1 and 1-to-many sessions. How do you suggest we try to find Mentors? At the moment I am using LinkedIn Sales Navigator but I am not having much success.
What do you mean by mentors?
Would like to learn more as well
Sure, let me explain: A Mentor in our Platform can be a content creator, a professor, a speaker, a youtubers etc etc. The platform allows them to launch webinars by offering a full stack solution: Webcast creation, Payment, Feedback, Certificates, Comments etc. Now, because we just launched, we have not found any Mentors to be members yet, so we are looking to get onboard some people that can use the platform.
How do we apply
Hey @Chris M might want to review your messaging on the landing page if you are targeting mentorees focused on content creation. Nothing about the landing page tells me that this is what the platform is designed for. After having to dig into who you are and what you are about did I sort of discover it. As far as mentors and finding them, having a two sided marketplace is a challenge. Is it that you are finding them but not able to get them onboard? Whats the incentive for the mentor and if I am already on Patreon ( as an example) why would your offering be compelling to join?
Thanks James, I would be interested to learn more from you about the messaging and how I can improve it. Let's maybe take it 1-to-1. By joining, the Mentors have an all-in-one solution and access to potentially thousands of users that are looking for a new Mentor. An integrated payment system and a virtual auditorium available for their Webcasts, as well as virtual mentoring rooms. I think this video might explain it better:


yea the value prop is very confusing and doesn't sell me as a mentor. It sounds similar to some consulting companies as the consultants are the "mentors". I would look at some of those companies and see the messaging they use to attract professionals and think about how to cater it to your people. Based on what you put above ill make to notes as well on the "by joining, the Mentors...." 1. Access to users look for mentors a. why is that useful? aren't the users the ones looking for a mentor? 2. what is the payment system for? it sounds like almost 2 products that your trying to merge together but blurrying value props. An all in 1 webcast solution and network
The video also uses language that the normal person isn't going to relate to. its too marekety or niche specific verbiage
Maybe I should have shared this video?


i notice the word content creator is used frequently as well. so if the "mentors" are content creators, build the messaging around that. mentors implies all types of w/e but videos keep saying content creators so i immediately feel not applicable to the platform.
you can change messaging to learn from your favorite content creators how to grow and build an online audience or something. now you have a better target demo. Tbh even content creator could sound too industry. I woulde xperiemnt just calling them youtube stars or something. I would think that would be better appeal to people
I see your point. I did that for not limiting the "Mentors" to only content creators. I think "subject-matter-experts" is a better term for the Mentors we are looking for.
As mentioned in this video:


you also mention creators in this video and highlight social. Professors most likely wont have a channel. Using works like "insights" and "personal growth" dont feel value proppy. what do insights do for me? what in general is the personal growth for? Chances are its probably professional in some way geared towards career or starting a business.
Same with mentors, how much can i make? how much time could/should i expect? etc etc. why would i want join
Thanks a lot Ryan. In any case, the Platform is closed to invitation-only for now, so we are reaching a closed group of Experts. What we would like to do is having 5 to 10 experts that would almost like a part of the company, hosting their webcasts via the platform to fill it with content and to start the word-of-mouth from there. And we are struggling with that.
@Chris M I sent this along to a friend of mine who’s a marketing pro and a social media whiz. I'm sure he'd be happy to help you work out a strategy for attracting the double sided users and finding mentors in the beginning. Otherwise, I'd recommend reaching out to some content creators you admire. Create a list of your dream 100 mentors who will make the platform everything you hope and bring in the desired audience. Reach out to those creators (sometimes you have to go through the list multiple times and leverage your yes people to convert previously no people) and see if there's a way that you can get the platform featured. Podcasts, lives, and social media plugs can go a long way towards organic growth. I'd try to get a fe big names on board with diverse mentorship offerings to get the ball rolling. Because of the social aspect, I think it could be valuable enough to have a celebrity face that you might consider giving them a piece of the company.
@Chris M yea i think its the value prop side of things. I have done and do things similar to what your platform is for and the value prop just needs some work. Think about who these people are you want and why they would want to work with you aside from just a piece of the company. what other value do they gain from their time? I think this is why you are having a hard sell on it. Anyway, good luck!
Thanks a lot @Abbey C, that would be great if your friend can help us on this! Shall I contact him/her?