Please suggest a growth strategy for a SVoD that w...
# ask-a-growth-question
Please suggest a growth strategy for a SVoD that wants a slice of Netflix’s market share in Africa?
Few things I can think of. If you are still working on idea, going in the micro-market will help. Like Netflix for Kids, Netflix for Entrepreneurs and so on. Same market, but with micro-targeting and low competition. This is the best strategy I always recommend, when competing with giants. If that's not the best way for you - You can even try to focus more on local content. I know some players making their space in Netflix dominated market by providing content focused on specific culture of the country. Netflix can't do that easily being a global player. You can try by creating content with strong focus on African culture & values & beliefs. Or even language. Should help. And if that's also not possible - Either you try by searching Netflix reviews in Twitter from African users to find out what frustrates them the most - and bid on the same issue constantly via Ads and other stuff. Or you can go for price-war ( That's the easiest game, but I almost never recommend ). Hope that helps 🙂
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