Happy Friday <!channel> we have are first Live Com...
# ask-a-growth-question
Happy Friday <!channel> we have are first Live Community Event Announcement: Growth Talk #1 How to make B2B sales more human? with @Lidia Vijga from DeckLinks Find out how Lidia figured out the secrets of B2B sales by processing sales decks from 500 B2B companies. Place: Zoom Date and time: 14.07.2022 - 7:30 PM CET (Central European Time) More info about the event will be sent to all of you on email and on the #growth-events channel next week.
How does one attend this event?
Will send a zoom link on your email and post it here next week @Trenton Erker
🙌 1
@Stefan Despotovski how do you know our emails?
Hey @Artem Smirnov, I know the email that you used to join our slack community, I belive we also send you a welcome email message. If you don't want us to send you any emails feel free to tell me.
Ah, OK then. I just thought that any channel member could send emails to everyone, and got a bit nervous.