I recently cracked a process for organic social me...
# growth-tips
I recently cracked a process for organic social media growth when posting. Which helps grow in different aspect i.e. Niche, Location and Community. This helps to be seen more in less and high competitive audiences. For posting • create 30 hashtags • • 10 (500k - 1 Million) • • 10 (100k - 500k • • 10 (less than 50k) • then comes the SEO optimized caption. • • 1 Main keyword • • 4 following secondary keywords • • check the SEO score of it This would register the instagram that would have audience and a valuable content for the visitors (Note = at least make 2 sets of a post which includes captions and hashtags) Then after that we start retargeted posts for already incubated customers from raw audience. Would love an insight from the specialists of the industry. Thanks
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Somes notes I might add- Depending on how new the account is using all 30 hashtags might stunt growth. IG can see it as spammy if your account isn't well established (at least in my experience) Hashtags size should be more determined by your account size and not a strict formula (unless the account is already fairly big). Ex: If you account is less than 10k with low engagement rates then you are likely going to get lost in the sauce of 200k+ hashtags. Just my thoughts, open to feedback!
What i believe is the tags for lesser audience is to be seen and for the tags like with more audience is for the engagement purpose. Because people are very active in such spaces. Same these are all just tactics and thoughts trying to crack the algorithms.
So my response to that though is that with the high traffic tags/high posting frequency tags is that you won't crack the high visibility areas. As we know with IG hashtags there are two sections: recent and top posts If you can land in the "top posts" category you could get a ton of visibility because the traffic is so high. However you are competing with much larger accounts (typically) so your post won't get the engagement required to be competitive. This will place you in the "most recent" section which will be getting multiple posts a second, leading to your post getting buried within the first minute of posting leading to no exposure.
Alright i got it. Yes it depends upon the size of the account too.
The plan is still great though, just wanted to add my 2c to see if I can help it. Regardless you can always test against this theory and see which produces higher impressions from hashtags and you'll know for sure. Social doesn't always work the way we think it will lol
Yeah thats right. They are so dynamic you cant set one . All we can do is to test and run. So, I recently used this one. For the results and it bear fruit.
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Great to hear it's working!
Good plan. For myself, I haven't noticed an increase in engagement if I use 30 hashtags vs. 15. So, lately, I've been using only around 15, but dividing them along the lines you describe.
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@gavriela dvorah gerson sure you must do so. If you want i can devise a content plan and consult for your growth plan for free. Let me know what your schedule looks like. And we can set a meeting upon it.
@Uzair Says thanks for the offer. Actually, I'm also a digital marketer. Finding time for myself when busy with others is the main challenge! But, honestly, I was using 30 hashtags, even paid for a hashtag strategy, and I really didn't see any increase in engagement. What I'm seeing is that video is making a big difference in engagement and growing my Instagram followers.
Thats great to hear its just the proper strategic amalgamation of hashtags, content, SEO and the advertisement that help you out with targeting and retargeting in actual for growth.