Daily Growth Tip: For more sales, display testimon...
# growth-tips
Daily Growth Tip: For more sales, display testimonials that follow a tried-and-true formula Testimonials are one of the most effective forms of social evidence, and you can improve their effectiveness. Increase trust and sales by providing testimonials that adhere to a strict criteria. Customer recommendations increase revenue by 62%. And, according to Brian Dean of Backlinko, employing a certain methodology can make your testimonials 10x more successful. The testimonial formula is divided into three sections: before, after, and what they would tell someone about the product. So you begin by making it relatable by saying, "Before purchasing [product], I struggled with [issue]." Then demonstrate how the product was beneficial by saying, "Then I got [product], and now I don't have to deal with [issue] anymore." And then bring it home with a consumer suggestion, such as "If you've ever suffered with [issue], I recommend getting [thing]." So, while choosing testimonials, choose those that follow this process. If you're looking for client testimonials, you can even provide one that follows this structure as an example to motivate others to follow suit.
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