When a startup thinks about going to market, the ...
# growth-tips
When a startup thinks about going to market, the term "product-market fit" seems to be the dominant topic that most people think is the most essential factor in market adoption. Sure it is an important component but there is something else just as critical!!! I can almost guarantee you have not heard of sales market fit and this is often the most overlooked factor to long-term growth within a business. Some startups stumble into their right sales market fit and you see them accelerate over time but some never find it and always struggle to find sales. Please I encourage you to set 8 minutes aside and watch this video to learn why you MUST consider this strategy above all else if you want to win!!! There is a video in the comments below.
Startup Sales Strategy Framework: Finding Sales Market Fit Is Critical


Oh! Came across this concept for the 1st time. Thanks for sharing, @Gavin Tye Will check the video.
You're welcome
👍 1
Thanks for the video @Gavin Tye! Really interesting stuff here. Would love to connect.
Sure! And you're welcome. Are you on LinkedIn
I am, I'll send you an invitation. Learned a lot from that video.
👍 1
No worries. Would appreciate a like and comment if possible on vid
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